Early Access – Day 50 – January 25, 2025

As the patch 0.1.1 didn’t nerf Spark, Archmage or Energy Shield, I had to try the most meta build. Anddddd yes, it’s pretty good.

I followed CaptainLance9 build. He has this guide on Maxroll and more information on his YouTube channel. I followed his “budget” build tree and gear which is with a regular Shield to add block as a defensive layer. The only change I made was to add Grim Feast for more comfy mapping.

The levelling was not as fast as the bow levelling technique I did with my Ranger and Monk but it was ok. I followed Crouching_Tuna guide and use Spark right from the beginning.

Bossing ★★★★
Defence ★★★★
Mapping ★★★★
Budget ★★★★
Overall score 16

What I liked

  • Reasonably tankyMind Over Matter with mana stacking, CI with Grim Feast, 50% block cap, max res
  • Cheap – can be put together for probably less than 3 divs
  • Easy playstyle as you almost don’t need to aim
  • Good at everything

What I disliked

  • Stuns are so annoying, I did spec Dampening Shield on the tree, I have some mods on the jewels to scale it further, and even a Stun charm but it’s still annoying and the cause of most of my deaths
  • Spark can be a little bit annoying after a while
  • Mapping – not super fast as you cast while walking to make sure the screen is covered before you walk into a pack
  • Slow – Movement speed and map clear
  • Expensive scaling – you can infinitily scale this build which is a + but I’m not a min-maxxer and this one would be really expensive to do so.


Would I play it again?

Not sure because of stuns and Spark, maybe another Archmage build with more ES.

Path Of Building and stats

Sorry POB is not yet available

Hard Core? NO
Solo Self Found? YES
League starter? YES
Levelling skill Spark
Budget 315 exalts
Death count 14
Level 90
Played 1 day 8 hours

Please visit this Google Sheet to see the main information and POB data I kept track of. You can more easily compare with other builds.


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