Shockwave Totems Earthquake

by | Early Access, League starter, POE2, SC, SSF, Warbringer, Warrior | 0 comments

Early Access – Day 13 – December 19, 2024

After so many years of waiting, Path Of Exile 2 is here with its Early Access. It was supposed to be hard, with a lot of boss fights, and a slow game play so I wanted to start with a big beefy boy with some totems. This is my experience…

I loved levelling through the acts, it was challenging, I died many times, mostly on bosses, learnt the fights, got a few more levels and equipment upgrades, and got rewarded with a kill. It took me 1 day and 14 hours to finish the campaign (level 66) with a meager 59 deaths. I levelled with Shockwave Totem and Earthquake slammed manually as soon as possible. I put Earthquake on Ancestral Warrior Totem as soon as I could (level 53 I think) so I could go full totems. I went with the Armour breaking ascendency and I rushed the totems nodes on the passive trees.

A note on Astral Projection, my entire goal was to use this a support to Shockwave Totem but unfortunately, it’s just not working. Not sure if it’s a bug or intended. This makes the gameplay way more difficult as the totems needs to be put on top of the enemy. I almost rerolled when I noticed this wasn’t working but I was so excited in discovering the game that I pushed through.

Mapping was slow but fine, I scaled my DPS by using 2 big two hand maces with the mod +6 melee weapon and the second ascendency to break armour past 0. I just relied on my health pool, a bit of armour, capping my resists, and hiding behind totems to survive. It went fine in white map, no deaths. I died 5 times in yellow maps, so I guess it went fine. But I died 3 more times in T11 and T12 and I could feel the ramped up in difficulty.

I tried a T14 and T15 which I was able to complete but it took me forever and the buttocks were clenched.

Single target DPS is great but mapping clear is attrocious and dangerous. Maybe going back to 1 two-hander and a shield to get some block would be better. Maybe changing to some other totems like Molten Blast as Tatiantel2 did would be smoother to map. I tried Stampede totems which was better to map but not amazing neither. Anyway, I reached the end of my patience with the totems game play and I’m excited in trying other builds so I draw the line before respeccing. I might come back…

If you want to play this build, which I don’t know if I should recommend as this is the only build I have played, I would recommend to follow Zizaran’s video below and guide on Maxroll which is pretty close to what I did, and probably better.

  • Patch 0.1.1 (January 2025) –  They fix the bug that Astral Projection was not supporting Shockwave totems. Also armour has been buffed but it’s probably not enough. I have respecced this character so I can’t try. I might when levelling a new Warrior?
Bossing ★★★★
Defence ★★
Budget ★★★★★
Overall score 12

What I liked

  • High single target DPS – if positionned correctly, rare and boss melts
  • Cheap – can be put together for probably less than 1-2 div

What I disliked

  • Astral Projection Support does not work – Need to put the totem on top of the enemy or no DPS.
  • Slow – Movement speed and map clearing
  • Not tanky enough – Life and Armour is not enough
  • Visual Polution – Between the shockwaves, earthquakes and jagged ground, hard to see some on-death effects


Would I play it again?

Not really unless Astral Projection Support is “fixed” to work with Shockwave Totems.

Path Of Building and stats

Sorry POB is not yet available

Hard Core? NO
Solo Self Found? YES
League starter? YES
Levelling skill Same but Earthquake manually before totems
Budget Probably less than 50 ex
Death count 67 (see description for more info)
Level 84
Played 3 days

Please visit this Google Sheet to see the main information and POB data I kept track of. You can more easily compare with other builds.


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