Frost blades of Katabasis

by | 3.25 Settlers, League starter, POE1, SC, Slayer | 0 comments

3.25 – Day 121 – November 24, 2024

Loved playing Frost Blades in the past but had never tried Frost Blades of Katabasis.

This is RueToo build but I couldn’t find his actual build guide so I follow this YouTube video from Macdri. This is video below.

This transfigured skill is great, almost auto target and almost ranged. It feels great to play.

I liked the defenses with high evasion, spell suppression, endurance charge stacking, leech.

Pretty good DPS too but the cost get pretty exponential as it’s a Frenzy stacking build. This is the reason I stopped as the next upgrade would be a +1 max frenzy ring synthetised base which was hundred of divines. For cheaper, I could do a stronger build to do T17 and Uber.

Bossing ★★★★
Defence ★★★★
Mapping ★★★★
Overall score 13

Path Of Building and stats

BUFFED unbuffed
DPS (Guardian / Pinnacle) 12,254,480 5,137,619
Max hit taken phys 21,140 14,319
Max hit taken elem 73,848 49,502
Max hit taken chaos 56,057 37,515
Effective health pool 92,340 56,859
Hard Core? Evasion build so not really, it is tanky though
Solo Self Found? Not this version
League starter? Kinda, you can work your way to this version in soft core.
Levelling skill Transfigured so not really, frost blades levelling not OP but possible.
Budget 100 div ? league is dead now, so hard to predict
Death count 18
Level 91-97
Played 1 day 20 hours

Please visit this Google Sheet to see the main information and POB data I kept track of. You can more easily compare with other builds.


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