Eviscerate Retaliation Bleed

by | 3.25 Settlers, Gladiator, HC, League starter, SC, SSF, SSFHC | 0 comments

3.25 – Day 19 – August 13, 2024

After 2 Archmage builds, I wanted to try the revisited Gladiator, lucky block, and the new Retaliation skills so I followed Goratha Eviscerate build. I was following a few of his videos but he has now a full build guide.

Eviscerate felt really strong levelling once you reach block cap. Still really strong in T16. Skill is really satisfying, felt a bit like Wave of Conviction. However, I got pretty tired of the playstyle, a lot of buttons to press, waiting to block before being able to hit the skill so I didn’t play this build for a long time.

However, I would still recommend it as a league starter as it can be pretty strong with good DPS and great defences for a small investment. As I had enough currency to play a stronger and smoother build, it was just not the right time for me.

How doe this build compare to the others?

TLDR: Great defences, great league starter, but great clunkiness to me

Path Of Building with Gear and Gem Links


What I believe is reasonable to be ticked on:

  • Tincture, endurance charges, Fortify, 15 rage, hit recently, blocked recently, enemy moving, maimed, delibitated, crushed, 25 banner valour, bloodstorm, max pride effect

Conditional buffs not ticked:

  • Flasks, Vaal molten shell, Frenzy charges, 30 rage, enemy low life, 50 banner valour

Please visit this Google Sheet to see the main information and POB data I kept track of compared to the other builds.

Real Build Creators

Popular Builds on poeninja

I stiked to the build guide but you can check poeninja as it’s a popular build.

My experience, my choices, my results, etc.


Defensive layers
    • HEALTH POOL. Life, Vaal Molten Shell when active.
    • MITIGATION. Res, endurance charges
    • AVOIDANCE. Block
    • RECOVERY. Jack the Axe, Vitality, Life flask
    • AILMENTS. Elemental immunity with boots + Talent tree + Block Mastery
    • STUN. Unwavering Stance
HC viable?

Yes, most of my deaths was by rushing the levelling like a morron. I don’t remember dying in T16, my other deats were in T17 with dody mods. If you pay some attention, you can definitively survive, a lot of good players to on poeninja.


3 to 5 millions on paper but it felt worse, not sure why as DOT build usually feels better. Maybe because of the inconsistancy of using Eviscerate?


Normal pinnacle bosses – yes

The Feared – yes

Uber bosses – not tried but probably yes

T17 – yes but I needed all my portals


Meh because you have to wait to block to retaliate with Eviscerate. Bladestorm is not good enough on its own to offer a good mapping experience.


Great, Bladestorm and Eviscerate are not poluting the screen so much


Average so you rely on Shield Charge


Actually pretty tricky to play with many keybinds, waiting to block. Concept is not that hard to put together but not as straightforward as other builds.

Special interactions?

Nothing much really, beside get hit, block, retaliate with Eviscerate.
Bladestorm to get maim.



It can be pretty cheap. My version is getting pricey beacause of my ailment immunity boots (which is probably not that pricey, I’m being conservative), the explody flask, and the light of meaning.

Economy is ever changing so you should take this with a grain of salt. Early leagues might see sometimes way cheaper or way more expensive. Visit the Google Sheet below to see all items and gems cost.

League starter?

Yes beside the expensive items I purchase to push the build futher

SSF viable?

Not this version but yes, possible in SSF, there are a bunch in poeninja.


Fun new concept, not as bad as I thought it would be, might do it again for a tanky league start. But too clunky for me to invest in.


Levelled with Sunder, switch to Eviscerate after the 2nd block ascendancy and enough points on the Talent tree invested in block.
Check Goratha build guilde for a more comprehensive guide.


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