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Lightning Strike Ephemal Edge

par | 3.25 Settlers, HC, POE1, SC, Trickster | 0 commentaires

3.25 – Day 121 – November 24, 2024

After playing around with different starter builds, it was time to use all my currency to create an end game build to do T17 and Ubers.

The best build this league was Trickster Lightning Strike Ephemeral Edge and it sure was.

I really wanted to try a Energy Shield stacking build around Ephemeral Edge scaline both offence and defence at the same time. Aegis Aurora to help with the recovery. I also looted a Voice 1 cluster which I sold for half a mirror so I was able to get Mageblood.

So this build was crazy expensive but top tier in all other aspects. I was able to farm T17 and Ubers to complete my 38 challenges, get my new portal for absolutely no reason at all, and quit the league.

I followed ds lily video and POB to begin with, then adapted to my preferences following some other ideas from poeninja.


Bossing ★★★★★
Defence ★★★★★
Mapping ★★★★★
Overall score 16

Path Of Building and stats

BUFFED unbuffed
DPS (Guardian / Pinnacle) 22,116,783 6,923,096
Max hit taken phys 70,403 40,846
Max hit taken elem 165,528 85,512
Max hit taken chaos infinite infinite
Effective health pool infinite infinite
Hard Core? YES
Solo Self Found? NO
League starter? NO
Levelling skill Lightning strike with trinity and elemental claw
Budget 500 div ? league is dead now, so hard to predict
Death count 54 (most because of my lack of skills, with the current gear, I could lvl up to 100)
Level 98
Played 3 days

Please visit this Google Sheet to see the main information and POB data I kept track of. You can more easily compare with other builds.

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